Friday, February 15, 2008

cover letter

This week's blog is to respond to a series of articles dicussing the proper format and use of a cover letter with a resume. I found these articles to be very informational and believe the information will be very helpful when the time comes to write a cover letter.

I did not know that each company you send your resume to should have a different cover letter with it. The article on what the content of the cover letter should is what interested me most. I don't know what I thought was supposed to be in a cover letter but now I know. Saying what you offer and what it will take to get you to work there, being specific to the business you are applying to will help your chances of standing out and being hired. One part of the resume process that I wasn't sure on was that contacting the business soon after you apply will help your chances of being hired. I like the way they said it too, "the wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the grease." Of course this doesn't mean be annoying, it only means that showing interest in the company and getting the job will help your chances of standing out and being hired.

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